

RapidPay was designed to provide a solution for managing virtual credit cards within the company.

The system allows the creation of virtual credit cards on-demand, set limits, and attach the card to a single or multiple vendors. Each card can be assigned to a user and provides an easy way to track expenses.



UX/UI Redesign, Prototyping


Sketch, InVision



For best experience view on desktop


💎 Admin Views 💎

💎 User Views 💎




Redesign Process

RapidPay is an existing system that has been used in production for a couple of years now.

This project included a redesign and addition of a new feature (approvals - allowing employees to request virtual credit cards.



As mentioned above RapidPay is an internal system — meaning marketing materials and other homepage visualizations are not important. By removing the scrolling from the page the user’s attention is being focused on the only important area of the screen — “Login” and “Forgot password”.


The Menu

The menu is divided into 3 parts — Dashboard, Management, and Profile. When logged in as a user the dashboard and part of the management items are not available, since the user has no permissions to add or edit cards, add or edit members, etc.



The dashboard redesigned in a way that puts the focus on the current month metrics as well as clearly explaining the available actions using illustrations. Since the entire system is about managing money even the smallest mistake can be pricy.


Summary Screens

All the summary screens were redesigns to use the same table component which includes standard controls such as ordering and filtering. In addition, 2 of the screens — statement summary and transactions, were merged.


New Card Screen

Adding a new card is now allows to choose a card theme for easier recognition. In addition, changes in the card details are immediately reflected in the live preview. The entire view now fits the screen to ensure that all the details are visible without scrolling to prevent mistakes.


“Danger Zones”

There are 2 danger zones in the system — Card management (Delete and Freeze card), and User management (Delete user). A confirmation modal was added after every “dangerous” action to prevent mistakes.



All the controls were redesigned to use a single standard of sizing and color scheme.

UI Sketches


 Style Guide

Style Guide.png



Delivery Bob