What is SHORTS?


Our goal

Is to get insights and compare between reps based on their performance.

  • We also need to compare their performance against a benchmark.
    2 possible benchmarks might be:

    • Company’s internal benchmark (history-based)

    • Reports of companies in the same field

  • Since we have multiple data points to compare, it will be easier to create

    a unified score which will be the actual comparison point.


Comparison table, where you can see reps performance against a benchmark.
You can filter the table order by any column.
Option to "Normalized data" - will calculate the average matrix numbers per 1 deal.
Option to compare the reps on the graph.



Score = NumberOfDeals * Formula (Num. of emails, Num. of invites, Num. of meetings)

The Perfect Score

NumberOfDeals * Formula(1, 1, 1)

Our goal

  • Provide the user information and stats of the indoor climate, as well as useful tips about improving those numbers.

  • By including outdoor climate from external sources, we can improve the quality of the tips (for example, if the air quality is bad inside, but good outside - the tip will be opening the windows)

    • Tips can be also used for upselling - for example; if the humidity is too low, the user might get an air humidifier recommendation with a purchase link.

  • I’ve added support for multiple devices to complete an entire user flow

    • When adding a room, there is an option to provide information about special conditions in order to adjust the measurements.


Our goal

  • Is data-oriented - we want to understand how our different activities affect the emotional health of the patient.

  • In order to be able to trust the data, we need to make sure we have enough of it - that’s why we need some sort of “engagement score”

  • Sessions/activities can be done separately, but also “bundled” together - we need a way to see the results as a whole, but also understand the effect of each one of the activities separately.

  • We need to be able to see progress - compared with the previously selected period; this week vs last week, etc.

  • Feature idea; Chat/emotional support is a key tool for both the patient and the therapist. Combining the chat with the activities timeline will give the therapist some context around what has the patient been up to.

Our goal

  • Is to expand the product by providing job listings in additional categories, like pet care, household, and senior care (and potentially more in the future).

  • Show occasional areas of work not only of babysitting but also of animal care, senior care, and animal care.

  • We created a simple 3-step short boarding to focus the user on the casual job he is looking for, how much he wants to earn, and in the work area.

  • The screen of finding works relies on the filtering of the user, there is an option to see the list in the gallery and also in the form of a list - a quick button of taking this work

  • Option to see all the details of the work and the requirements necessary for this work.


The Problem

Even though the content is slowly becoming the king of the platform, the apps are still heavily oriented on the social aspect. The amounts of contents are huge, which makes it impossible to consume everything when it appears. The “Save” (Read it later”) function is supposed to help here, but unfortunately, it is not intuitive at all - it takes too much effort to save an item, and is nearly impossible to find it later.


The Solution

Since we are optimizing for content consumption, the “Save” button should get an easier access (instead of being hidden under the “more” menu).

“Saved items” will be shown in the main menu, making it easy to access (currently the easiest way to access a saved item in the app is to save a random item, and tap on the “view all” notification toasts).

The items are accessible from a single page that allows filtering the results by the type of the item (Linkedin currently supports Jobs, and Posts).

