

Studies indicate a decline in the quality of food and the nutritional status of people around the globe. The app was designed to raise the level of awareness, enable improvement, and assist its users by providing the ability to track and document daily food consumption.

The app allows users to quickly log their meals and get customized indications according to the recommended caloric intake for each user.


User Research, UX/UI Design, Branding, Prototyping, Usability Testing


Sketch, InVision, Powerpoint


2 weeks (January 2017 - during UX studies)



Studies indicate a decline in the quality of food and the nutritional status of people around the globe. The app was designed to raise the level of awareness, enable improvement, and assist its users by providing the ability to track and document daily food consumption.

The app allows users to quickly log their meals and get customized indications according to the recommended caloric intake for each user.



User Research, UX/UI Design, Branding, Prototyping, Usability Testing


Sketch, InVision, Powerpoint


2 weeks (January 2017 - during UX studies)


For best experience view on desktop


The Brief

In the past years, health insurance companies are trying to improve their services by helping their customers to live a healthier life. The program takes advantage of technological solutions to educate the user and raise awareness on different topics.
The following application is an IOS based app that focuses on nutrition.


  • Allow users to easily and conveniently record daily nutrition.

  • Help build a habit to put attention on the nutrition and report daily.

  • Encourage users to dine in restaurants that maintain caloric records. Help the user to be aware of his caloric intake and create an improvement trend.

Future capabilities

  • Ability to scan barcodes of products in the supermarkets, to auto-log the nutrition facts.

  • Integration with interactive menus in restaurants to make calorie tracking in outdoor dining easier.


 The Process

Tracing calories and forming healthy nutrition habits is a very sensitive and emotional process - no one likes to admit they not living a healthy life. In addition, everyone has different nutrition needs and limitations - a detailed onboarding process is crucial in this kind of application.

The design process included a survey of the existing solutions, user research, and color scheme A/B testing.


UI Sketches


Delivery Bob


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